I'd Like Write Some Of These Down For You - I think you'd certainly benefit from a lot, because [I have good reasons]...
Most of what I know will probably be more useful once you get medications that work. Sure not everything applies of course. Some I know will, some I know won't(I don't usually mention these), many I am unsure about since we don't "talk". We "chat" a little. Not the same thing if you get what I mean. That said, I am sure some of this stuff can be spotted now if it applies to you though. Most are easy to see(with my help of course!) when you stop for a minute to notice and relatively easy to correct for once you know they are there.♥
- Anxiety and ADHD go together like... a lot of bananas. Understanding your level of anxiety helps you understand how to cure it permanently forever with medications, or... to learn to live with it in apathy(let's not learn this method, curing is much easier anyways!!!). Point To Understand Here Is: You do not have to live with anxiety, realizing it isn't normal to feel that way is a very important step and thinking "I am fine" just makes it impossible to ever treat/cure anxiety. FYI!!!
- Dyslexia(easy diagnose, great to know, also nothing like Hollywood told me)
- Dyscalcula(easy diagnose, math/number dyslexia)
- Dyspraxia(easier to self diagnose if you have many symptoms) - severity varies from near nothing much to a lot of curious annoyances, but they add up
- Restless Legs Syndrome(RLS)- often happens with ADHD from teens to much later on in life and can get worse with age/time
- physical impairments for ADHD specifically. Constantly shaking your hands often but feel and are perfectly calm always(note: MOST people AND doctors will think and insist you have Anxiety symptoms, even try and treat you despite objections etc, but in fact you do not in any way have anxiety and they are stupid af for not listening to you), strained or difficulty writing thoughout life using a pen, fidgetting all the way up to excessive involuntary movements(typically legs) needing tranquillizers like Xanax to even live/sleep.
- ADHD/ND Insomnia: I can help you confirm if proper meds fix insomnia fast(alone, I couldn't accurately guess how quick/never you'd figure this out, could be quick!). If we can confirm ADHD meds that work, fix your Insomnia, I will tell you how to make it as permanent as possible(from time to time, you will still not sleep, though that would be NORMAL Insomnia, meds don't fix that!!!). However, as for other forms of Insomnia, I think it just depends on trying a few methods I know that you've never tried before to see if they work. All of things I would suggest I know work for "normal" Insomnia bc I use or have used them myself but of course it varies by person probably. Also we can use Adderall or other stimulants like Vvvanse on an ADHD brain and ADHD body to fix or hack a great multitude of non-ADHD problems like "normal" Insomnia. Given my fairly great knowledge of Adderall and how ADHD works, stuff like adjusting your routine certain ways slightly so you are tired at bedtime(stims can do this), making sure you are blank in thought at bedtime(stims fix this), making sure you are exhausted at bedtime(stims can do this), also Adderall can 100% put down an ADHD person like sleeping pill as well(I do it several times every month), it all depends on several variables I just cannot possibly know atm *especially* due to the fact we no longer really talk about anything of substance. But that's what you want of course. However I am just saying, a few min here and there would fix issues here and there vey very quickly. But again you have said you don't want help either so idk.
- How to properly potentiate stimulants. This makes you "feel" them, "feel" good, or get a safe "high" and "energetic" feeling when you use them. Almost everyone is always happier when they potentiate their Adderall pretty much unless side effects happen. This can be as simple as coffee, it makes a huge difference you'll see. But the problem is there is a difference between feeling like it is working better and it actually working better. Fact is, Adderall and stimulants work exactly the same with or without potentiating them. I still recommend always potentiating them for a great many years early on when you start because it makes you FEEL better and that makes you LIVE better and be HAPPIER and have more ENERGY. Just don't ever think if you don't potentiate your meds, don't have your coffee, don't FEEL them "juicing" you up, that they are not working. That would be a you problem!
- Misophonia(Anxiety Disorder typically recognized but not officially yet), anxiety from certain sounds
- ADHD, Autism(ASD) related sensory issues such as light and sound sensitivity(which can cause you to get upset at people if unaware! Weak Example >>> Occasionally someone may startle you with certain types of sounds(not necessarily the loudness) near you and suddenly they find you angrily yelling at them like they almost killed you >>> Autism can explain this fairly well if you know you are sensory sensitive elsewhere.
- I'd like to add more "webbed connections" or "connect" many Neurodivergent(ND) issues many don't understand because they are hard to find info on or are just not connected in a way ADHD people can find them.
- Age ranges for life events like onset(10), adult adhd onset as a teen, what happened as a child that was an ADHD/ND sign so you can look back, what happened in school, what happens as a teen, and prognosis through life and as you get older what you should expect at some points
- URGENCY in an ADHD brain is so important to know even after getting medicated. In fact, Understanding how an ADHD brain works will change your life today, right now, if you commit it to memory and see you are using it 100% of the time unmedicated and in full ADHD mode always without fail(kinda wish I had written it down in a bullet point now...soon as I get to it...will try ASAP as it is important IMHO)
- Medications specifically used to treat ADHD, Treating ADHD WITH Anxiety, Treating Anxiety CAUSED BY ADHD Meds themselves(ideally you move to one without side effects, but you sometimes need to treat the side effect because only 1 works and now having been on them you realize you "Need" them to be/feel "Yourself" and "Live" for once).
- Medication Side Effects can often can be fixed because you can adjust your medications to get around them(example missed by many, taking 2 lower dose ADHD pills instead of a higher dose single(for duration), same or better results with proper dosing etc.
- Why Vyvanse will always be the best ADHD medication and why many people still choose Adderall
- Did you notice I made a To-Do list in html so I remember it later!? ♥
Thank you Mariah