At the moment, this project is intended as a quick reference or summary with important details. If you want a comprehensive description for any topics, please search Google, Wikipedia, etc to find a full article. This is not intended as medical advice. This is a personal project for my friend Mariah. If you are not Mariah, idk how you got here but Welcome!
New Information + Future Topics and Updates
There are NEW topics of interest that are not listed here yet that I have aleady begun to write down and elaborate on. Please visit the Updates page.
Types Of Neurodivergent Conditions
ADHD Symptoms
RSD (Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria)
RSD is a condition characterized by an extreme sensitivity to perceived or actual rejection. Individuals with RSD experience intense emotional pain, anxiety, and self-doubt in response to criticism, setbacks, or social exclusion.
RSD can significantly impact an individual's life, leading to:
Intense emotional reactions to rejection (e.g., feeling devastated, humiliated, or worthless)
Needing to stim to aid in focus. Significantly improves focus. Stimming is NOT a form of OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and is typically not an issue or harmful, nor is it a problem that requires medical consultation in the vast majority of cases. Excessive stimming such as picking at your own skin should be avoided if you have repeatative injuries or wounds.
Stimming can leading to:
Pulling on facial hair
Using finger nails to to scratch the skin of other fingers
Often neding movement to help staying focused. Small movements, especially of the hands and feet. Can be symptomatic of struggling to focus which can cause nervousness, impatience, frustration, anxiety, excessive worrying.
Fidgeting can leading to:
Rocking your body back and forth
Tapping your feet on the floor
Opening and closing your legs repeatedly while sitting
May talk too much due to impulsiveness(and impulse control issues), hyperactivity(physical and/or mental), and difficulty inhibiting and controlling responses; May be hyperactive and energetic, which can lead to excessive talking; May act, speak, and think impulsively. May blurt out whatever comes to mind without thinking about how it will be received.
May talk too much due to impulsiveness(and impulse control issues), hyperactivity(physical and/or mental), and difficulty inhibiting and controlling responses; May be hyperactive and energetic, which can lead to excessive talking; May act, speak, and think impulsively. May blurt out whatever comes to mind without thinking about how it will be received.
Needing movement or fidgeting/stimming to aid in focus
Ability to respond quickly in crisis situations/emergencies
Hyperfixation, ability to hyperfocus on a single activity, topic, or interest, to the exclusion of everything else
Tendency to hyperfocus on a wide range of interests
Social interactions affected by impulse control and focus differences
Difficulty with transitions due to challenges with switching focus
Working memory impacted
Craving Novelty; including Risk taking
Difficulty with transitions due to challenges with switching focus
Hyperactivity (physical and/or mental, such as “mental restlessness”)
Time blindness
Difficulty regulating attention and focus
Difficulty with social cues due to focus and attention issues
Impulsivity; May act, speak, and think impulsively; May have significant impulse control issues and lack the ability to inhibit and control impulses.
Inhibition difficulties
Excessive Talking; May talk too much due to impulsiveness(and impulse control issues), hyperactivity(physical and/or mental), and difficulty inhibiting and controlling responses; May be hyperactive and energetic, which can lead to excessive talking; May act, speak, and think impulsively. May blurt out whatever comes to mind without thinking about how it will be received.
Interrupting Others(see “Excessive Talking”)
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
Overlapping ADHD/Autism Symptoms (these can be core ADHD Symptoms)
ND Communication Patterns
“ND Communication Patterns” refers to the unique communication styles often exhibited by neurodivergent individuals, which can include characteristics like directness, literal interpretation of language, focused discussions on specific interests, and a tendency to over-explain, potentially differing from the communication patterns typically considered "normal" in society; essentially, it means how people who are neurodivergent tend to communicate differently than neurotypical people.
“ND Communication Patterns” refers to the unique communication styles often exhibited by neurodivergent individuals, which can include characteristics like directness, literal interpretation of language, focused discussions on specific interests, and a tendency to over-explain, potentially differing from the communication patterns typically considered "normal" in society; essentially, it means how people who are neurodivergent tend to communicate differently than neurotypical people.
High risk of Victimization; Neurodivergent individuals are sigificantly more likely to experience victimization. Examples: Bullying, Harrassment, Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Assault, Polyvictimization(the experience of multiple types of victimization)
Alexithymia (difficulty identifying and naming feelings)
Processing speed impacted
Interception differences
Atypical social interactions
Stimming, Soothed/stimulated through repetitive behaviors, movements, sounds, and thoughts
Impulse control difficulties; Differences in impulse control
Different perception of time
Hyperactivity (physical and/or mental, such as “mental restlessness”)